
Peter Ndubuisi Egwuagu

Born on August 28th, 1974, at the City of London Maternity Hospital in Islington, London, England, I was one of the twins welcomed into the world by Mr. John E. Egwuagu and Mrs. Maria C. Egwuagu. Initially, our family resided in London until 1978, when we made the decision to move back to Lagos, Nigeria. The reason for this relocation was my father’s exciting new job opportunity as an engineer with a British engineering company based in Lagos.

The next 17 years of my life were spent growing up in Lagos, until I eventually made the choice to return to England. This decision was driven by my aspirations for better opportunities and the fulfillment of my dreams.

Life In Nigeria (Brief)

Having grown up in a working-class family, my educational journey began at Maryland Convent Private school at Lagos, followed by a year at Maryland Comprehensive Secondary School. However, my father decided to withdraw me from there and sent me to St. Theresa’s Minor Seminary in Ibadan, an institution focused on training students to become Catholic Priests.

During my later years in primary school, I discovered my passion for goalkeeping while watching a British TV program called Big League Soccer. Witnessing the remarkable athleticism of the goalkeepers, I was inspired, and Peter Shilton became my hero. I aspired to follow in his footsteps, but being from a working-class background posed obstacles to realizing my dream. My father strongly opposed the idea of me playing football, considering it a waste of time and resources. Consequently, he moved me from a secondary school with exposure to culture, social interactions, and sports on a national scale to a secluded and restrictive school.

For six years, I remained in the seminary, but eventually, I was expelled just before my final year. The official reason stated that I had lost interest and failed to meet the institution’s requirements, but the truth was that my rebellious tendencies arose due to personal negative experiences and the oppressive environment promoted and condoned by the institution.

To obtain my GCSE leaving certificate, I had to enroll in Command Day Secondary School at Ikeja, which had a different environment from the boarding school where I spent most of my adolescent years. There, I found myself becoming the goalkeeper for the school’s football team and also participating in the National Inter-Command Secondary School Games as part of the 4 x 100 relay team.

After receiving my GCSE certificate, I was expected to attend university, but I declined the offer due to the prevalence of secret cult practices on campuses. Instead, I became more drawn to the idea of returning to England, as the strained relationship with my father had reached a breaking point.

Life In London (Brief)

In my initial six months residing in London, I stayed with my uncle and his family. Unfortunately, I had to leave their home due to a notorious domestic incident involving the police between my uncle and his wife at the time. During this period, I was actively engaged in playing for a local team, fueled by my aspirations of becoming a professional football player.

At that time, aspiring players had the option to write to professional clubs seeking trials, hoping for a lucky break. Over the course of a year, I diligently sent letters to practically all the professional clubs in the league, but regrettably, my efforts bore no fruit. However, I finally secured a trial with Torquay United, although I failed to leave a lasting impression.

As my dreams of turning pro started to fade, I found myself increasingly frustrated. I had to settle for trying out at semi-professional clubs like Stevenage Borough and Cheshunt FC, only to find myself moving down the football tiers in pursuit of a breakthrough. To make a living, I had to take up various jobs, including unskilled work in manufacturing and working as a security personnel.

As the years passed without any significant progress, my frustration reached a breaking point, leading me down a dark path. I struggled with depression and found myself engulfed in despair, resorting to destructive activities and putting myself in dangerous situations. It was a traumatic experience that eventually jolted me to change my life’s trajectory. I came to realize that I had a purpose, and my mission was to serve.

The question then became, what service was I meant to provide? I swiftly decided to pursue a goalkeeping coaching badge (FA Goalkeeping Coaching Licence Level 1) and delved into coaching aspiring goalkeepers. I even had the opportunity to coach a semi-professional team named Parkview FC for two seasons before transitioning into private coaching.”

In summary, the individual’s journey in London involved struggling to make it as a professional football player, facing setbacks and challenges that led to frustration and depression. However, a transformative experience motivated them to shift their focus to goalkeeping coaching, eventually finding fulfillment in serving others through this role.

After obtaining a Certificate of Accomplishment as a Football/Soccer Agent from Sports Management Worldwide, I went on to establish my own goalkeeping brand called Ultimate Keeper within a span of three years. Although my current profession lies in the construction industry, I have been actively involved in it for over a decade. Throughout my journey, I have come to realize that true fulfillment comes from serving others, as life’s purpose extends beyond personal achievements. The driving force behind my passion for service comes from the wisdom and knowledge I have been fortunate enough to acquire during my growth and development. This wisdom has been inspired by various spiritual figures such as Joe Dispenza, Neville Goddard, Abraham Hicks, Paramahansa Yogananda, Stewart Wilde, and Reverend Ike, as well as entrepreneurial mentors like Grant Cardone, Patrick Bet-David, David Goggins, Tony Robbins and many others.


In the vast realm of human experiences, every individual story is filled with depth and complexity. However, the undeniable truth remains that each person is on a journey of spiritual evolution, guided by natural law. The significance of an individual’s life story lies in their ability to gain self-awareness through life’s experiences and education, ultimately shaping their purpose.

I consider myself fortunate to have lived a life that has led me to discover my sense of purpose, a realization that not everyone may attain. My unique upbringing, being born as a twin in London, England, and growing up in Lagos, Nigeria, exposed me to both the Developed World and the Developing/Undeveloped world. This exposure has driven me to bridge the gap between these two worlds, seeking balance and harmony.

My life’s mission revolves around addressing imbalances that affect loved ones, friends, humanity as a whole, and our planet. Love is the unifying ideology that drives this mission – love for oneself, family, friends, all living beings, Earth, and our Creator. Through love, enlightenment and realization reach their highest form.

Recognizing that we are spiritual beings experiencing a human journey, our purpose on Earth is to awaken to our connection with the Creator. After our time here is fulfilled, we return to our source, the Creator. This understanding applies to all life forms, regardless of their level of distinction.

You Are The Ultimate Keeper Of Your Destiny

Ultimate Keeper

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