Ode to a Goalkeeper Agent

AFA Meeting Barnet FC 2020

Deep in the recess of the continent’s most treasured sport, lie the underlying rich resources of the most talented yet to come forth.

The endangered art has taken an ugly deceptive automaton, driven by soulless underutilised data science and FinTech, the future of goalkeeping a false narration.

The evolutionary crossroads are upon now. Left or Right, the choice is the future created now. Two Masters assertively in contests for the coveted accolade. The Law states.. two masters cannot be served.. a message for the collective unconscious brigade.

Passion for the art assigned exclusively to the old school, unfolding to Passion for the format in modern-day skillset tools, backed by the insidiousness and control of the bottomless monetary pull.

“I see the enigma!” But nobody cares, the collective unconscious brigade blinded by the unexplored intricacies that progressivism bares. An unknown lone purist taking the mantle, to redress the arts actual timeless mantra to save, clean save and handle.

The Quest.. a timeless brand, a precious gem to initiate, but never a daunting chore for the one who appreciates the consciousness of troubleshooting.

The Plan.. a timeless brand, 8 years back from its inception, stood the experimental phase of random selection.. “Finally, the ideal candidate for the overt invention!”

A revolutionary software to rival the current statistics.. agencies, clubs, and stakeholders vie for the price of intrinsic valued metrics. The strategic recruitment process designed for ultimate distinction.. number 9 looks pretty perfect for maximisation of bespoke services.

Jewels are created from the rarest of talent with a callous mindset.. a market is created from the jewellery outset. How To Become A Football Agent I ask The Doctor Sogut.. “The Acquisition is the ideal model to propell  aspirations inbuilt!”

Now, on the case, I Sprint to a course with one aim in mind, to be legally certified a hard germ to find.

20 weeks on the grind, to obtain the notorious illusive FIFA checklist, but how tough is your mind? Let’s go through the study phases of FFAR, RSTP, Code of Ethics, Disciplinary Codes, Clearing House, Football Tribunal.. 700 plus pages to answer 20 questions.

Ready on the day on my first attempt, the Test awaits to set sail.. my worry was, will my outdated notebook prevail?.. What are the odds? Thunder struck twice! Issues logging in and the half-hour mark the notebook ran out of gas!

Whatever the weather, come tempest rain or brightest shine.. the Source always expresses the vibrational frequency of your highest state of divine line. Ego death a forthright mystical tool.. understood by the illuminated for the purpose of drowning pride and prejudice in a pool.

A creative realm, a consciousness of possibilities to be behold.. despite the false narrative of illusionary turmoil led by unholy stronghold. We all are the Source, and the Source is in all.. All for One and One for All.

Oh, you ask.. what was the outcome of your FIFA football agent exam? .. Well, despite the roller coaster of emotions.. I’ll be dammed 👇🏼

30th May 2024

You Are The Ultimate Keeper Of Your Destiny

Ultimate Keeper

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