Agent Gatekeeper


“One’s perception of reality isn’t determined by the outer 3 dimentional world, but from the inner creative levels of an established belief system”

– The Universe


  • An attendant employed to control who goes through a gate.
  • People or policies that act as a go-between, controlling access from one point to another. They may refuse, control, or delay access to services. Alternatively, they may also be used to see how work is being done and whether it meets certain standards.

With the current ongoing pandemic crisis that has devastated many parts of the world, it is almost impossible to ignore the damage caused in the loss of lives and the resulting acute world economic depression. In this article, I deviate from my regular goalkeeping gossips and delve into the unavoidable “world crisis” that has effectively chucked a gigantic spanner in the works. Also, the context of the article will attempt to explain the concept of the gatekeeper, and how it affects reality as we know it.

It’s been nearly two months world activities and affairs have been brought to juddering halt, businesses shutting up shops, entertainment industries closing their arenas, schools out, local and international flights grounded ( ..finally the atmosphere can recycle and breathe after nearly a century ), seaports closed, mortgage and rent payments suspended although utility bills have to be paid… period, and the rest of the unmentioned, but only the organisations considered as Essential will continue to operate ( don’t forget to slap on the mask and rubber gloves on! ), namely the public emergency services, the mainstream media, food and drug stores, the government… gatekeepers. Ironically, these institutions are immune to the pandemic as records will state that real situation simulations have been rehearsed before the outbreak. Our trusted world leaders, with the tacit acquiescence of world population, issued a mandate to stay at home and save lives and in the event of venturing out for the daily essentials, one must maintain a 2-meter radius “social distancing” to prevent the spread of the pandemic virus, from a yet to be confirmed known source and in effect has created a whole lot more problems outwitting a practical and effective solution. Not all countries are equal in terms of growth, development and GDP, so to deny underdeveloped countries population their meagre means of living will quickly create a starvation crisis, which of course is an existing problem in many of these countries where the pandemic crisis is least affected. Well, I guess whos calling the shots knows a lot better about handling a crisis situation like a pandemic… after all, the simulation exercise justifies the call to action, even though it was conducted in a very controlled environment and limited to a maximum of two countries… not an extensive form of research to justify a call to action on a world scale of such colossal magnitude and implications in my opinion.

Psycological implications


I’ve been privileged NOT to own a television or listen or subscribe to mainstream media, and I say this with a sense of intuitive affirmation. One begins to see the world events from a broader realm of consciousness, instead of the human five senses which limits the perception of reality as witnessed by the observer. The people acquiescent mood is evident everywhere around the world as an array of different kind of masks and gloves are worn, even though there are conflicting reports between the authorities and the medical establishment about its purpose. Personally, to keep my sanity and health, I do not wear one. This crisis has brought out the uncanny behaviour in humans since the introduction of these “safety mandates” in the name of protecting ourselves against a virus that still hasn’t got an ascribed source. Many times during my daily walk, a masked person coming from the opposite direction will maintain a 3-metre radius around me and if they have to walk on the road to get round they will! Well, I guess its a matter of belief system, a state of mind, mind over matter. I begin to wonder if this is the future of humanity as we are beginning to lose that natural sense of interaction because of these imposed mandates. Well, the mainstream media has done a great job in promoting “social distancing” and the majority of the public are accustomed to that so I do really hope that once this Pandemic is over the same media will do the right thing and promote interaction and integration of the human race as it used to be because right now people are scared of their own shadows.


Closer to home ( on a football perspective ), normality will never be the same again as different views and beliefs about the pandemic will create uncanny behaviours between everyone involved in the game including fans, members of staffs, the players themselves match officials board members etc. With the rumours of a “mandatory vaccine programme” promoted by the philanthropist Bill Gatesgatekeeper, will everyone involved in football and the rest of the sports for that matter have to be vaccinated before they get involved? There’s going to be massive changes on an unprecedented scale that will restructure the whole current procedures on how business is run in the world of football. For instance, as an intermediary, I have personally felt the anxiety in the world of football agents. I recently wrote an email to a particular agent who specialises in the niche I’m in but because of the current crisis and the knock-on effects that will manifest, the person chose to ignore my mail, confirming the mass hysteria that is currently sweeping every human consciousness, which is a travesty. There are a few more cases similar to this but, there’s one point I would really stress is this… the relationship between established Intermediaries… gatekeepers and their clients, regardless of their identity, longevity, partnership and loyalty will be put to the ultimate test as we move into a new era of an overdue shift of consciousness and those who are “equipped” to adapt to these unfamiliar events, will find themselves like a rabbit caught in headlights.


The human consciousness is about to take a dramatic step into a new age of communication and we need to reflect upon ourselves, how far we’ve come up to this point of world history given that this is the best time to take stock of our collective experiences then plan on the creation of the future one will envisage. Yesterday a major online event took place at London Real TV were over a million streamers (including myself) were on hand to witness the most anticipated dialogue regarding this current crisis and the underlying message behind it. If one thinks that their current modus operandi will serve them with the same results in the new world as it manifested in the “old world” then they are in for a shock. A fundamental principle to apply here is a radical form of adaptation but for that to happen one must recognise the core subjects and not speculate on perceived assumptions… gatekeeper, and the bottom line is that the only way to be in tune with the inevitable change in consciousness is through Love. The current climate is denying that access through tacit acquiescence but we have to be aware of our God-gifted capabilities.

“You Are The Ultimate Keeper Of Your Destiny” – ULTIMATE KEEPER

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