A £30,000 Idea


“All achievement, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea!” –

Napoleon Hill

Question… what would you do with an enormous amount of disposable cash if you unexpectedly find yourself in possession of it? Well, one might say it depends on the amount, as every individual’s perception of the definition of enormous varies under the circularity of money. Depending on individuals social status and construct, enormous amounts of money can vary from a 2 digit denomination to 9 digits and beyond, but for the purpose of this blog, the range will be narrowed down to a 5 digit denomination. What I’m about to share with you is one of the most remarkable stories occurring under the current pandemic and economic crisis that will leave the readers dumbfounded.

Imagination is the most priceless asset that any human has access to, regardless of the current situation one perceives as their reality, be it favourable or unfavourable. Having done extensive research on this particularly largely misunderstood faculty, I am thrilled to say that it does work! It all started 4 years ago when I embarked on a journey of self-growth and development and stumbled across a book called Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. What a fascinating book it was but due to my old programmed habitual way of living, I never got the priceless benefits of the teachings until this current crisis hit the world stage and I was forced to reread the whole book again! It has been a fact throughout the ages, for one to have the desire to change their circumstances, their habitual way of thinking must first go through the metamorphosis stage before the desired change in circumstances. Unfortunately, because of our habitual way of thinking, influenced by our environment and imprinted in our subconscious self, the task of reprogramming the mind becomes somewhat futile but in the event of a significant crisis either on an individual or on a collective level, it unduly becomes receptive to change. This is exactly what happened to me, as for over a year I’ve been working on my manifestation of Thirty Thousand Pounds for my startup business and it ironically was presented to me through an unexpected medium.


Definiteness of purpose is a notable offspring of imagination and that must be translated into goal setting. How I achieved that was to set out the nature of the business, which is providing goalkeeping related products and services ( goalkeeping coaching and football intermediary representation for goalkeepers in deprived areas where exposure is limited ), and the exact amount needed for the business. It must be noted that the business Ultimate Keeper Ltd is currently not trading and is registered at HMRC after filling the current tax years account as dormant. My biggest priority was to secure funds at the cost of six thousand pounds for a Master of Arts in football intermediary management online elite course run by John Viola Academy in conjunction with The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. This is an eight to ten months course that begins later in the year September 2020. Acquiring such a prestige qualification enables me to fully engage in the football/soccer business industry around the world especially in deprived areas where talent has largely gone undetected, even though I’ve already got a Certification of Accomplishment as a football intermediary at Sports Management Worldwide. To specialise in one’s niche is key and the decision to become an elite intermediary especially in goalkeeping representation wasn’t an option, but a necessity. The remaining capital investment will be reserved for running of the business in terms of providing services in the virtual (online) and the material (offline) world, plus innovative ideas in developing exciting products. I cannot go too much into details about the plans as that would create a conflict of interest as far as my major investor and future sponsors are concerned. With the tailored plan already on the go, we anticipate in the next 5 years the potentials and valuation of Ultimate Keeper in Pounds Sterling above 7 figure denomination. The secret to hitting the target is to focus on the goal and not the naysayers, as that has always been part of the gauntlet to success. So, to recap on how I attracted thirty thousand pounds as part of the tools needed for my business to grow in the capacity required to reach out to people who require immeasurable support, the elements are:-

  • Desire and Self Belief
  • Imagination
  • Definiteness of purpose
  • Game planning
  • Decision making
  • Persistence.


One’s success in life will be determined by the degree of work and commitment one is willing to invest. The driving force in me to see this project through is the why hence I’ve chosen to do this and the backdrop of my story can be read in my earliest blog Your miss is Your Mercy Part 1 and 2. Stories like these give meaning to life goals that are connected to aiding and supporting the dreams of like-minded individuals and influential people around the world are more than willing to support in any form possible to be a part of your journey to fulfilment, all you need is the roadmap, just as I’ve demonstrated.

To the readers, I urge that you re-evaluate whatever you perceive as reality as with the current pandemic crisis, the human consciousness is moving into a new era, a new way of integration, a new world. An age where technological advancement is leading humanity to exceptional levels of polarisation in benefits, optimal success depends on the degree of connectivity of the creative power from within to manifest our life goals and human interaction both within and without will be put to the ultimate test. To excel in the new world, specialisation in a particular niche will be the order of services as consciousness will demand, negating the old form of centralisation. In my niche in the football intermediary sector, I foresee a trend where clients seek specialised representation from intermediaries who not only are transparent in sharing clandestine information in the interest of everyone involved in the game but also provide extra-ordinary services of immeasurable value that add longevity in anticipation of a successful career. All I can say is this… if a professional goalkeeper isn’t happy with the representation he/she receives when it comes to detailed information in player contracts that directly influences the valuation of the players worth, regardless of the power or the influence of the agent or agency, the goalkeeper will seek representation elsewhere that cater for their needs. Working in proximity, in confidence and the ability to identify, isolate and resolve individual issues of a client can be the difference between their progression or their decline in career. Specialization and innovation is the future and becoming a practitioner is a long term investment strategy that intermediaries must look into or else they will fold. This is why my investor believes in my idea and is willing to commit to a long term strategic visionary plan.

So there you have it… in a pandemic crisis on a global scale, I can manifest my desires through my imagination! The most powerful asset man has been blessed with and still baffled by the correct use of this faculty, which has accounted for the countless success an overwhelming failures of mankind. I believed in my ideas and subsequently followed my constructed plans through, and guess what… it’s still is my imagination!

You Are The Ultimate Keeper Of Your Destiny” – ULTIMATE KEEPER

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