Goalkeeping 2.0 – The New Age

I don’t know if I was the best, but I always gave my best

Andre Onana

Only those destined for greatness in their chosen endeavors can speak such wise words, setting the standard of excellence to be aspired to. Andre Onana, the 47.2 million pounds promising new goalkeeper for Manchester United, recently tweeted these profound words after an outstanding season with Inter Milan, where he made 24 appearances, including the Champions League Final. The anticipation surrounding him is well-deserved, and Squawka even conducted a poll based on statistical and analytical data to determine the Premier League’s best goalkeeper, despite Andre not having made his debut yet.

As a passionate Manchester United supporter, I have thoroughly studied his performance metrics and watched his games, and I can confidently say that acquiring him was the club’s best decision. This move reflects the club’s future ambitions of reclaiming their competitive edge and winning major honors. In my previous blog End Of An Era, I emphasized the importance of finding a goalkeeper with strong character for Manchester United to regain their former dominance. With great excitement, I can now affirm that not only has the club made the perfect choice, but they have also acquired an individual who is determined to prove himself as one of the greatest goalkeepers in the history of the game. Why do I make these claims, you might wonder? Let’s examine his journey up until this point. He has faced both triumphs and tribulations, controversies and praises, all of which have shaped a resilient and mentally strong character, essential for his career success. One noteworthy event was his 9-month ‘doping’ ban (later on, I will delve into this) while playing for Ajax, and on his return from the ban which significantly impacted his performance and drew criticism from his detractors. In a post-game interview, he addressed the backlash and discussed the issue further..

This individual embodies the exact type of character Manchester United seeks—a person who embraces freedom of expression in thoughts, words, and actions. He possesses a deep understanding of himself and his abilities, fearlessly expressing them to the world. His remarkable personal journey significantly contributes to his strong character and self-assurance, which I’ll briefly share.

Brief History

Andre Onana’s journey in the world of football began when he followed in his older brother’s footsteps to become a goalkeeper. However, his brother’s decision to switch to being a centre back didn’t deter Andre, who continued to pursue goalkeeping as a young teenager. His dedication paid off when he caught the attention of a coach from the prestigious Samuel Eto’o Academy at the age of 14. This opportunity led him to join Barcelona FC in 2010, where he remained until 2015.

During his time at Barcelona, Onana’s career flourished, but with the signing of Marc-Andre Ter Stegen, he eventually moved to Ajax, where he had a successful run from 2015 to 2022. During his tenure at Ajax, he secured impressive achievements, winning 3 Dutch League championships, 2 Dutch Cups, and 1 Dutch Super Cup.

However, in February 2021, Onana faced a setback when he tested positive for Furosemide, a banned substance, resulting in a 12-month ban from UEFA. He claimed that he mistakenly took his wife’s medicine, and Ajax supported him in appealing the decision. The ban was later reduced to nine months by the Court of Arbitration for Sport in June that same year.

I was intrigued by the reason why Furosemide was on the doping banned list and discovered that this substance has the potential to mask the presence of other drugs. This raises concerns about the possibility of using Furosemide, which is generally used as a remedy heart conditions, to hide recreational or performance-enhancing drug use. Normally, doping tests are conducted to detect substances related to performance enhancement or recreational drug use, which could explain the severity of the ban in this case. Unquestionably, Andre faced an array of unjust criticism, accusing him of irresponsibility due to his lack of knowledge about what he was ingesting without seeking proper consultation. Quite frankly, it was absurd and insidious that some individuals went to the extent of declaring his career had ended, which held no merit whatsoever. But as expected from a person with the mental strength and character to ride the wave of setbacks and disappointments, Andre did just that and gradually returned to his form, shutting down the negativity and getting to work.

In May of 2022, his departure from Ajax was made public, and shortly after, on 1st July 2022, Inter Milan officially announced the signing of Onana through a free transfer, sealing a five-year contract. In January 2023, he achieved victory in the Supercoppa Italiana, triumphing over rivals AC Milan. Later, in May 2023, he secured another victory, leading his team to win the Coppa Italia by defeating Fiorentina. Notably, he played a crucial role in guiding Inter to the 2023 Champions League Final. In 2019, a Serie A club expressed interest in him; however, the club’s owner raised concerns about his abilities as a black goalkeeper, suggesting that he might not handle the league’s associated pressure well. It is evident that the owner’s remarks were rooted in racism. Speaking about the issue of racism, Andre also shared his experiences as a black goalkeeper, acknowledging that they often face misconceptions and have to work harder than their white counterparts to dispel doubts about their competence. As a black African goalkeeper from a previous generation, I can personally relate to this perspective, where the challenges were even more daunting compared to the present. Nevertheless, Andre’s resilience and determination, encapsulated in the saying what does not break you makes you stronger, have paved the way for his current success, and he is now reaping the rewards of his hard work.

One notable low moment in his career occurred during the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, where he represented Cameroon. During this tournament, he played what appears to have been his final international match against Switzerland. However, his World Cup journey took a downturn when he was excluded from the next game due to a clash with the manager, Rigobert Song. As a result of this incident, he was sent back home, and the severity of the situation led him to announce his retirement from international football.

Sometimes, clashes between strong personalities with differing opinions can lead to unfortunate consequences like this. Nevertheless, I believe there is hope for reconciliation in the future, and many are confident that Andre Onana will eventually make a return to play for Cameroon again.


What are my thoughts on the future of goalkeeping? I am incredibly enthusiastic about the direction it is heading. For many decades, there has been a troubling misconception surrounding black goalkeepers, with some believing they are more prone to mistakes and less reliable. This stereotype must be eliminated, especially considering that black goalkeepers possess significant strengths, constituting a high percentage of their goalkeeping skillset. Their mental resilience and natural athleticism are particularly remarkable when it comes to shot-stopping, which is the ultimate goal of any goalkeeper.

A supporting example of this mindset shift comes from former England goalkeeper Joe Hart, who shared his experiences during an interview. He acknowledged that in his younger days at the academy, there was an inherent popular notion that black goalkeepers were seen as inferior due to their perceived tendency to make more mistakes and be less trustworthy.

It is essential that we dispel such unfounded beliefs and recognize the diversity of talent and skill within goalkeeping. Embracing and promoting inclusivity in the sport will not only benefit black goalkeepers but will also enhance the game itself, opening up opportunities for talent to flourish and be appreciated regardless of their background.

Andre Onana’s journey from aspiring goalkeeper to joining one of Europe’s most esteemed football clubs has been remarkable, built on a strong foundation of strength, character, and bravery. He will undoubtedly face huge challenges in the EPL and will have his low moments but character will pull him through. While he acknowledges the need to enhance his mental visualization, shot-stopping techniques, and overall skillset, there is no doubt that his presence at Manchester United is destined to contribute to their success in securing major honors. With ambitions to become one of the greatest goalkeepers ever to grace the club, Onana’s determination and talent are set to leave a lasting legacy.

You Are The Ultimate Keeper Of Your Destiny

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