The Provisional Hope

Photo source – The Athletic

Statistical Data

Info Credit – FBref
Info credit – FBref

Visual Analytics

Video Source- URL
Video Source- ITV Sport
  • Awareness and anticipation to danger
  • Timing and movement into Set-positioning
  • Power of explosiveness in dive executions.
  1. Generate the necessary energy for the dive by moving the foot closest to the shot towards the pivot foot, covering a distance of over 3 feet.
  2. Then, execute the dive, which generates significantly less momentum due to the initial movement.


Onana has a lot to prove and, more specifically, an indebt reassessment of his shot-stopping skillset style and abilities by his coaches at Manchester United or his personal goalkeeping consultant if he’s got one. He’s got 4 seasons left on his lucrative contract, and if this is the best we can expect from André Onana’s goalkeeping performance after his Premiership debut season, then he will struggle to maintain the number one position (ironically his preferred number is 24.. don’t ask) for the tenure of his contract. I hope his personal management team acknowledges the highlighted concerns and understands the urgency in addressing them, especially since the 2024/2025 season will place him under intense scrutiny. Opposition fans are increasingly aware of his weaknesses, making it crucial to act promptly. The underlying fact is that his statistical data and visual analytics are at best average compared to his counterparts, and it is even below average compared to his peers in the big top 5 leagues. Manchester United will not hesitate to replace him if he fails to improve on his current skillset abilities as there are goalkeepers out there currently playing above his percentile range.

I have high expectations that André Onana will become a massive success at Manchester United, but that assumption is dependent on the urgency of awareness in addressing his technical deficiencies in his holistic shot-stopping skillset abilities. If he is under any illusion that he had a successful debut season because he won the FA Cup and received a winning medal, then he is setting himself up for a tranfer before his contract runs out and a significant part of the demise will be accredited to his personal management team.

Once more, I pose the question: In the context of a league season, what scenario holds more intrinsic value— a goalkeeper creating an average of 20 goals or a goalkeeper saving an average of 20 goals? We need to revisit the fundamental duties of a goalkeeper and have honest discussions about whether the guardians of this crucial role have done enough to advance the craft.

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