Many golden ages ago ( about 18 years to be precise ), I was on a night out with my then friends in central Londons prestigious but now-defunct nightclub Hippodrome, having a great time, the age of garage music with the trendy dance moves and drinks flowing. I remember this particular shirt I wore on…

The 2020 “Chronic Review”

Since my last post, a lot of events both on a personal and a collective level has transpired to a level that is associated with startling revelations that can only be observed with a congruent level of awareness. Whether by intention or by default (depending on your angle of perspective.. ), I took a hiatus…

The 2020 Vision Manifestation

“.. as I gauze into the Crystal Ball seeking a portal into the future, all I see is the present.. “ Anonymous It’s a New Year, it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day whatever we make of the moment reflects back what we perceive as our individual and collective reality. It’s only logical to…

Modern Best Goalkeeper

Unlike the outfield positions strikers midfielders defenders, the goalkeeper is currently by all means the most talked and written about position in the game of football/soccer, even though the main spotlight or entertainment is on the art of scoring goals. Top strikers and to a degree, top midfielders essentially are the marketing frontiers of the…

The Psychology against the Ideology of “Try”..

“No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it” – Albert Einstein This is a quote so profound that it reflects the disproportionate results on how our modern societies response to tackling problems or shortcomings. The moment we realise this unequivocal truth the better we stand to create problem solving a second…

Drop Back In Line..

25th of June 2019 was the date of my last blog publication, a hiatus that was necessary with a view to take stock on progress on a number of committed projects concerning personal development and growth. So far on a funfundamental level, my first season as a goalkeeping coach for the Spartan South Midlands football…

Goalkeeper on the Penalty Line!

LAW 14: “..the defending goalkeeper must remain on the goal line, facing the kicker, between the goalposts, without touching the goalposts, crossbar or goal net until the ball has been kicked… … when the ball is kicked, the defending goalkeeper must have at least part of one foot touching, or in line with, the goal…

Constraint Goalkeeping 《 Male and Female 》

An article on the recently created goalkeeping platform called Goalkeeping Intelligence headlining Tony Elliott, debated the constraints of goalkeeping in both the Male and Female game. The spotlight was mainly on the Females game as Tony, who is the head goalkeeping coach at Birmingham City WSL shares his valuable insight into the constraints, affordances and…

Glove Story – KA19 – XT – Shadow..

“… As I approached my door from my trip to the post office with great excitement and anticipation, the package in my possession was truly a masterpiece as I discovered immediately I settled down to unravel it. .. ‘very impressed indeed’ was the first thought that unequivocally splurted out of my mouth, underlining and certifying…

End Of Season Review..

“Ode to the Goalkeepers”.. but before that, a short review of my debut season as a goalkeeping coach.. After a 2 month sabbatical blog leave, I unequivocally owe an explanation to you readers. March 2nd was my last publication and so many happenings ranging from focusing total commitment to my job as a goalkeeping coach…